
Blog and other Rantings

Welcome to my life!
Category: Blog | Monday, 20 December 2010 00:05

Hello everyone and welcome to my new website! It's been about a year in the making (after significant time out) but i've finally got my act together and made the last push to get this finished. I'm sure there are probably a couple of bugs lurking in here somewhere so please let me know if you find anything that looks messed up!

You'll mainly find my portfolio and blog on this site with some downloads too! I've got the ball rolling and made my first download available for the site launch. LJM Tweetstreamis a simple but powerful module for Joomla 1.5 which allows you to display your twitter feed on your website. There are lots of customisable options too. This extension is currently pending approval to be listed in theofficialJoomla extensions directory; I'll be sure to let you all know when it's there.

Check out my portfolio too. I have some examples of my web design work and photography up and hope to have some more there soon.

That's all for now, just a quick blog post. It's getting pretty late!