
Blog and other Rantings

Happy new year!
Category: Web Design | Friday, 06 January 2012 19:13

Hello everyone! I trust you've had a happy christmas, received lots of pressies, and are now beginning another year back at work!

Just thought I would drop you a quick update. I've been very busy of the last few months working on Mod My Motor, and it's coming along very nicely! I posted a quick UI sample on twitter a few weeks ago which you can checkout here -!/leejmurphy/status/149600552307785728/photo/1. I have a few other innovative projects in the pipeline, but that's all for now.

Happy new year to all of my clients and followers!

Happy new year!
Category: Web Design | Friday, 07 January 2011 22:45

Happy new year everyone. Time for a new update I think. Been very busy with my latest and greatest project...okay it's been on ice for the last three years, but it's steadily on the way again. It's called Mod My Motor and it's a community for car modifiers and enthusiasts.


The website will be largely populated by user generated content, at least that's the idea! Once registered, a user will be able to create a virtual online garage of their cars and modifications. Other users will be able to comment and rate this cars, or 'rides' as we're referring to them as this is 'hipe' and 'cool' down in the world of modifying.

There will be guides and articles on modifying and DIY tips and a community forum where users can interact, talk about their cars, modifying, television and anything they like.

For every action the user makes they receive 'karma' points. The idea is to run some kind of special feature or competition for the users with the most points. This will hopefully drive activity on the site. Still a lot to do so best get back on it!